Helga Cup 2020 – The countdown runs!
News – 15. September 2020
From day to day things are becoming more concrete – in now less than one month‘s time we will start the Helga Cup and the Helga Cup.Inclusion 2020!
Check-in will commence on October 1st and from Oct. 2nd to Oct. 4th we will see fresh and competitive sailing. Regrettably practice races were impossible for most of the crews due to the prevailing health situation, however, we are all the more excited in these uncertain times to be able to welcome you at all to the 2020 Helga Cup Regatta event hampered by the current Covid-19 pandemic.
Needless to say that things will run a bit different from what we have experienced in previous years – but the event will take place!
First things first: you have to by all means register via the manage2sail website in the internet: www.manage2sail.com.
We can only allow crews to participate who have registerd via the above mentioned website.
Much to our regret we cannot allow spectators to visit the NRV Clubhouse premises. You may, however, wish to inform your families and friends as well as your fans that the races on Saturday and Sunday will again be available live on the Helga Cup website: www.helgacup.de in the internet. Our camera crew will be around to capture the atmosphere and to broadcast the event aroud the world.
Approximately one week before the regatta starts we will publish the health care and hygiene rules in line with the current Covid-19 regulations issued by the City of Hamburg’s health care authorities. At the same time we will also publish the „Notice of Race“ and a general schedule of events.
To give you a rough idea of the planned schedule of events please note the following details:
The warning signal for the first start could be around 14:00 h on Friday, Oct. 2nd followed by further races on Saturday, Oct. 3rd and Sunday, Oct. 4th at approx. 09:30 h or 10:00 h. The prize giving ceremony is planned to take place around 16:00 h on Sunday.
All of the above mentioned information is subect to change. As you know, sailing is a sport of ever changing conditions and thus also the time involved. So, please take this information as tentative only. We will do our best to maintain the time schedule as best we can.
Much to our regret and unlike in previous years there will be no partys during the event. We will, however, have an „Official Opening Ceremony“ on Friday evening as well as another „evening event“ during these days in line with the current Corona health regulations in force at that time.
We are particularly exited about the Helga Cup.Inclusion. Our new boats specially acquired for this event will also allow sailors with physical constraints to participate in the regattas.
Regrettably, the „rowing challenge“ originally planned to run parallel to the sailing regattas had to be cancelled, whereas the „wheelchair SUP race“ will most certainly be a real highlight of the whole event.
All teams who have already officially registered for participation in the Helga Cup 2020 and who have also paid the entry fee are kindly requested to once again register via the regatta website Manage2Sail.com:
Here is the link to Manage2Sail:
So, what are you waiting for? Please register now and secure your starting place!
We are extremely excited to welcome you to the 2020 Helga Cup and Helga Cup.Inclusion here in Hamburg by the beginning of October!
Your Helga Cup Organizing Team